you're talking to me ?

« You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me?

Then who the hell else are you talkin' to?

You talkin' to me?

Well I'm the only one here.

Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? »

Robert De Niro 

Mon Dieu !
Comment lui faire comprendre que notre téléphone est évidemment surveillé.

t i n t i n / h e r g é

quant au moi, de tout temps haïssable,
il prépare ici sans aucun doute une rentrée en scène encore plus frivole :
celle du biographisme.

a l a i n r o b b e g r i l l e t

Can you hear me now?
Can you hear me now?
Can you hear me now?

This is a test
If this had been a real emergency
Hey hey!
This is a real goddamn emergency